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Sunday 5 June 2016

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7th Pay Commission News – Wanton Inaction on the part of Government - Staff Side to proceed with Strike

Babloo - 19:53:00
7th Pay Commission related demands of Staff side include re-computation of minimum wage, multiplication factor, pay matrix, restoring allowances proposed to be abolished, five promotions, and annual increment of 5%

7th Pay Commission News – Wanton Inaction on the part of Govt – Staff Side to proceed with Strike from 11th July 2016 – NJCA instructs all field organisations to serve strike notice on 9th June 2016.

As proposed, the constituent members of NJCA, the joint body of all staff side Associations, met on 3rd June to discuss on the next course of action after Staff Side could not put forth their demands and suggestions before Govt relating to certain anti-employee recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. NJCA further feels that 7th Pay Commission recommendations should be implemented only after proper negotiations with staff side.

Now, NJCA is of the of the view that there is no possibility for deferring the stike plan as Govt is not willing to talk to Staff Side with regard to 7th Pay Commission report. It has advised on the field organisations to serve the strike notice on 9th June, 2016  to commence the indefinite  strike action on 11th July, 2016.

No.NJC/201617th   CPC
June  4,2016

All Constituents of NJCA

Dear Comrades,

We hope you must have gone through our communication  dated 26.5.2016 detailing the brief discussions, we had with the Cabinet Secretary. We had, as you are aware, done everything possible at our  end to  bring  about  a negotiated settlement  on the  charter  of  demands, we submitted  to  the Government immediately after the submission of the report by the 7th Central Pay Commission. i.e. on is” November, 2015.   On 19th  May, 2016,  we have crossed the six months period since the Commission submitted  the  report to the Government.    You are aware that  the Commission had concluded their deliberations  and  prepared  their  report  in  Feb. 2015, itself  but  was delayed  by the  unwarranted intervention  of the present Government.   Even on the first occasion when we met the authorities  after the submission of the report by the 7th Pay Commission we had conveyed the anguish and anxiety of the employees over the delay especially in the background of the denial of the interim relief and merger of DA. We had pointed out that unlike in the past the employees had not been granted any financial help in the  form of interim  relief or DA merger even in the face of the unprecedented erosion of the real value of wage due to the high level of inflation in the economy.  We had then requested the Government the need to take  an expeditious  decision over the  recommendations  of the  7th   CPC, at-least  on the core issues pertaining to wage revision.

In the absence of any formal meetings or fruitful  negotiations which had been the practice at all earlier occasions,  the rumour  mongers who represent none, had a field day.  The NJCA had been in constant touch with the authorities.   You will recall that at the request of the Cabinet Secretary, when we met him on 1st March, 2016,  we deferred our decision to go on strike in April, 2016.  The empowered Committee set up by the government  could have met the JCA leaders during the months of April and May  and could  have discussed  the  various  pros and cons so that  by the  end of May,  certain  views  could have emerged  on all matters.

It was in this  background   that  the  National  JCA met  on 3rd  at the Staff Side office.  The meeting considered the piquant  situation  that  has emerged due to  the  wanton  inaction  on the  part  of the Government,  despite the NJCA agreeing to defer the strike action.  The meeting, therefore, came to the inescapable and inevitable  conclusion unanimously that  in the  face of the  nugatory  attitude  of the Government, we must adhere to our earlier decision to tread the path of struggle and serve the strike notice on 9th June, 2016  to commence the indefinite  strike action on 11th July, 2016.   The meeting also decided to exhort the constituent  organizations to mobilize their  members without  losing any time as the time available for preparation being very short  i.e. hardly a month.  I am also to convey to all of you the following  decision taken at the meeting and appeal to you to create a vibrant situation throughout the country to convey the impression to all concerned that we  stand united with determination.

1.    Every Association/Federation/Union  and all its units will serve the strike notice  on 9.6.2016 by holding massive demonstration  at all work  places.  The strike notice shall have the 11 point charter of demands (copy enclosed) and the respective organizations can include their department-specific  demands as Part B of the  charter of demands.

2.   The Constituents will plan and execute a massive mobilization  campaign to cover each and every employee/worker  in which all the National and State leaders must take part.

3.   The Unions/Federation/Associations  will suspend immediately all ongoing negotiations with their departmental  heads/authorities and concentrate on the mobilization campaign.

4.    On 24th June, 2016,  a massive united demonstration  under the auspices of the NJCAwill be held before the Parliament.  The constituent  organizations will decide upon the quota for each State Unit and communicate the same so that the state units can take necessary steps to ensure that their members reach Delhi on 24th.

5.   The NJCA(CHQ) will write to the leaders of all the Political parties as also the Central Trade Unions seeks their support and solidarity as also explaining as to why the NJCAhad to take the extreme step of organizing the strike action.

6.   All the Constituent organizations and the State Units shall write such letters to the members of Parliament of their  respective States and shall make efforts to meet them  in person  to seek their support.

7.    All the  State  Units  of the  Constituent   organizations   either  jointly   or  independently    organize Press Conferences  to cover the  Print  and Electronic  media.

8.    The  NJCA(CHQ) will  hold  such a Press Conference   at  Delhi  on  23rd  June, 2016 l.e. just one day prior to the mammoth demonstration  planned before the Parliament.

9.   The Constituent  organizations will  get  in touch  with  the  Associations/Federations  of the retired  personnel both at the All India and State levels to  seek out their  support  for  the strike action and enlist their participation  in all demonstrative  programmes organized by the working employees in support of the strike.  The Pensioners organizations may be informed of the Government decision to reject the recommendation  of the ih CPCto provide Option No.1 to the Pensioners as an alternative pension fitment  formula.

10. The constituents  will also seek the  participation  of those organizations in their  respective organizations  who  are not  associated with  the  NJCA being not  participants  in the  JCM Scheme.

We  appeal to  all  constituents  and through  them  each and  every  member  of  the  Central Government  employee’s community  to take all out  efforts  to  make this historic decision an all time memorable event, which must go into the history as the largest participated strike action of the Central Government employees and workers. We must consider this as a really historic moment  provided to us by the harsh turn of events and as an opportunity  to reassert our strength, unity and determination  not only to win laurels today but to function as an effective bargaining entity for years to come.

We are fully aware of the enormous task ahead and equally aware of the possible response, a brutal  Government  might  take  in  the  circumstances.   Without   minimizing  the  impact  of  such as retaliatory  action on the part of the Government (from our experience in the past) we  know that  no power on earth will be able to subdue  our unity and determination  and we shall march forward  well realizing that the ultimate victory in all struggles belong to the working class.

    With greetings,
    Yours fraternally,
    Shiv Gopal Mishra.

 Charter of  Demands

1.   Settle  the  issues raised  by the  NJCA on the  recommendations    of the  7 CPC sent  to Cabinet  Secretary  vide letter  dated  10th December  2015.

2.   Remove  the   injustice   done   in  the   assignment   of  pay  scales  to  technical/safety categories   etc.  in  Railways &   Defence,   different    categories   in  other   Central   Govt establishments by the 7 CPC.

3.   Scrap the  PFRDA Act and NPS and grant  Pension/family    Pension to  all CG employees under  CCS(Pension)  Rules, 1972 & Railways Pension Rules, 1993.

4.   i) No privatization /outsourcing /contractorisation of governmental   functions.

    ii)  Treat   GDS as Civil  Servants   and  extend   proportional     benefit   on  pension   and allowances  to the GDS.

5.   No FDI in Railways  & Defence;  No corporatization of  Defence  Production   Units  and Postal Department.

6.   Fill up all vacant  posts  in the  government    departments,    lift  the  ban  on creation   of posts; regularize  the casual / contract   workers.

7.   Remove ceiling on compassionate   ground  appointments.

8.   Extend  the   benefit   of  Bonus  Act,1965   amendment    on  enhancement    of  payment ceiling  to  the  adhoc  Bonus / PLB  of  Central  Government   employees  with  effect  from the  Financial year 2014-15.

9.   Ensure Five promotions in the  service career  of an employee.

10. Do not amend    Labour  Laws in the  name of Labour  Reforms  which  will  take  away the existing  benefits  to the workers.

 11. Revive JCM functioning   at all levels.

Download NJCA Circular dated 04.06.2016 and Charter of Demands


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