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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Armed Forces Pensioner/Family Pensions - Order 29.08.2017

Babloo - 10:39:00

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Armed Forces Pensioner/Family Pensions - Order 29.08.2017
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare
New Delhi-110011
Dated: 29th August 2017
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff


The undersigned is directed to refer to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.1(1)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated 15th June 1998 and letter No. 1(10)/09-D(Pen/Policy) dated 12th January 2011 & No. 1(10)/2009-D(Pen/Policy) dated 5th May 2015 regarding grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) of Rs.500/- pm. with effect from 19.11.2014 to Armed Forces Pensioners/Family' Pensioners for meeting expenditure on day to day medical expenses that do not require hospitalization unless the individual had opted for OPD treatment in Armed Forces Hospitals/ M.I. Rooms and convey the sanction of the President for enhancement of the amount of FMA from Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1000/-per month. The other conditions for grant of FMA shall continue to be in force.

2. Ex-Servicemen who retired on or after 01 Apr 2003 have to- become member of ECHS Compulsorily and are not eligible to draw Fixed Medical Allowance. These orders applicable only in such cases, where the date of retirement is prior to 1.4.2003 and who had opted not to avail medical facilities at OPD of Armed Forces Hospitals/ MI rooms and are not members of ECHS.

3. These orders will take effect from 01.07.2017.

4. All other conditions as laid down in Government of India letter No. 1(1)/98-D(Pen/Sers) dated 15th June 1998 will continue to apply.

5. This issue with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/Pension) vide their ID No. 32(9)/2010/Fin/Pen dated 16 August 2017.

6. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Exemption for travel in airlines other than Air India

Babloo - 09:38:00

Exemption for travel in airlines other than Air India on Government Tour: Department of Posts OM.
F. No.9-1/2016-FC (Posts)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Integrated Finance Wing)
New Delhi, the 24th August, 2017

Subject: Exemption for travel in airlines other than Air India - reg.

Consequent upon the delegation of powers to the Financial Advisors to accord exemption for air travel in airlines other than Air India in individual cases, this office is receiving requests from the officers seeking exemption for air travel by airlines other than Air India.

While processing such proposals, it has been observed that in spite of repeated instructions issued by the Directorate vide letter no. 17-01/2015-PAP dated 28.07.2016, OM no. 9-1/2016-FA (Posts) dated 09.08.2016 and dated 28.02.2017 (Copies enclosed for ready reference), requests for seeking exemption are being submitted in the last days / hours of the proposed journey and that too with incomplete/insufficient reasons/documents in' prescribed Performa (Revised) as required vide Directorate OM no. 9-1/2016-FA (Posts) dated 28.02.2017. This results in avoidable delay in processing such cases and higher expenditure due to the last minute booking of tickets. It is-also seen that even without obtaining approval of the competent authority, the journey by airlines other than Air India is performed and at a later stage requests seeking ex-post facto approval are submitted, violating the instructions on the subject.

In view of the above, it is once again reiterated that the requests in the revised Performa complete in all respect are submitted to JS&FA at least 7 working, days in advance from date of travel so that adequate time is made available for processing in Integrated Finance Wing. It may also be noted that non-receipt of approval by the stipulated date does not entitle one to claim relaxation as a matter of right.
This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Nirdosh Kumar Yadav)
Director (FA)

Exemption for travel in airlines other than Air India
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Sunday, 27 August 2017

Revision of the 6th CPC Pay Scale of Rs. 4440-7440 (-1S)

Babloo - 20:51:00
Revision of the 6th CPC Pay Scale of Rs. 4440-7440 (-1S)

JCM requests to Ministry of Finance that kindly consider the issue of pay revision of non-matric employees appointed on compassionate ground in 6th CPC pay scale -1S(4440-7440) w.e.f. 1/1/2016 on the basis of 7th CPC.

Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C. Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001
August 24, 2017
The Secretary,
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure,
North Block,
New Delhi.

Sub: Revision of the 6th CPC Pay Scale of Rs. 4440-7440 (-1S)

Dear Sir,

Alter the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations the minimum entry qualification for Central Government job is kept as Matriculation or ITI. However candidates who are not Matric/ITI qualified are recruited in the -1S pay scale of Rs. 4440-7440 and kept in the same pay scale till they acquire the Matriculation qualification. However the pay scale is not yet revised even after the implementation of the 7th CPC pay scales w.e.f. 1/1/2016.  This is causing undue financial hardship to the concerned employees.  It is therefore requested that you may kindly consider the above issue and necessary instructions may please be issued revising the above pay scale w.e.f. 1/1/2016 on the basis of 7th CPC

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)


Friday, 25 August 2017

7th CPC : Appeal for restoration of option 1 for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

Babloo - 04:09:00
Central Government Pensioners: Appeal for restoration of Option 1 recommended by 7th Central Pay Commission for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners


7th CPC  :  Appeal for restoration of option 1  for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

No. RSCWS/ HO / 7th CPC/2017-16
Dated: 23rd August, 2017

Shri Narindera Modi, Hon. Prime Minister India, 152, South Block, New Delhi-110001
Shri Arun Jaitley, Hon. Minister of Finance, Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi- 110001
Shri Jitendra Singh, Hon. MOS Personnel, PG & Pension, GOI, North Block, New Delhi-110001

Dear Sir,
Subject: Appeal for restoration of Option 1 recommended by 7th Central Pay Commission for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners - For Parity of Pension between Pre & Post-2016 Central Government Pensioners

Reference: i) DOP&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 12th May, 2017 & 6th July, 2017 ii) Para 10.1.67 of 7th CPC Report for grant of Parity of Pension of Pre & Post Seventh CPC Pensioners

1. We draw your kind attention to the sad plight of large majority of Central Government Pensioners – especially the Pre-2006 Pensioners and more so the Pre-1996 Pensioners, who will suffer a major financial loss in fixation of their Revised Pension on account of an unjust decision on implementation of 7th CPC Report vide DOP&PW OM dated 12 -5-2017 cited above.

2. The Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) in Para 10.1.67 & 10.1.68 of its Report had for the first time conceded the long pending demand of the Central Government Pensioners for Parity of Pension between the Pre and Post CPC Pensioners and had recommended the following pension formulation for civil employees including CAPF personnel who had retired before 01.01.2016:
i) All the Civilian personnel including CAPF who retired prior to 01.01.2016 (expected date of implementation of the Seventh CPC recommendations) shall first be fixed in the Pay Matrix being recommended by this Commission, on the basis of the Pay Band and Grade Pay at which they retired, at the minimum of the corresponding level in the matrix. This amount shall be raised, to arrive at the notional pay of the retiree, by adding the number of increments he/she had earned in that level while in service, at the rate of three percent. Fifty percent of the total amount so arrived at shall be the revised pension.

ii) The second calculation to be carried out is as follows. The pension, as had been fixed at the time of implementation of the VI CPC recommendations, shall be multiplied by 2.57 to arrive at an alternate value for the revised pension.

iii) Pensioners be given option of choosing whichever formulation is beneficial to them.
3. Option 1, cited above, was very much feasible to implement as recommended by 7th CPC for revision of Pension of old Pension since according to the survey conducted by the DOP&PW, it was accepted that the Service Records of over 80% of old Pensioners were available, while those of the others could be re-built as per procedure prescribed in the Rules and as was done after 5th & 6th CPC and as per orders of the Courts in numerous cases.

4. Regrettably, the Committee formed by the Government, to consider the feasibility of implementation of Option 1 recommended by the Seventh CPC, while finding it non-feasible, did not care for the interest of the more than 80% of the Pensioners merely to save the Administration from the botheration of Re-building the Service Records of the rest less than 20% Pensioners. This was a great injustice since the 80% of the Pensioners who’s Records are available, shall suffer a loss of Pension just because of missing records of the rest 20%.

5. Instead, the Government accepted the following formula vide OM Dated 12-5-2017, as recommended by the Committee on Feasibility of Option 1:

"the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in respect of all Central civil pensioners/family pensioners, including CAPF's, who retired/died prior to 01.01.2016, may be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay at which they retired/died. This will be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay Commission based on the Formula for revision of pay. While fixing pay on notional basis the pay fixation formulae approved by the Government and other relevant instructions on the subject in force at the relevant time shall be strictly followed. 50% of the notional pay as on 01.01.2016 shall be the revised pension and 30% of this notional pay shall be the revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first Permutation."

6. The above said formula will very seriously and adversely affect the Revised pension of a large majority of the Pre-2016 Pensioners on account of following reasons:
a) "Parity of Pension" between Pre and Post-2016 Pensioners - recommended by the Seventh CPC - would be denied to the Pre-2016 Pensioners.

b) In the process of notional pay fixation in successive Pay Commissions, there is a lot of dilution particularly for pensioners who retired in 4th CPC period resulting in big financial loss.

c) Irrespective of the date of retirement, Option 1 would have given the same pension to pre-2016 pensioners depending upon the number of increments earned in the last Level. By denying option 1 there will be sub-groups even within the homogenous group of pre-2016 pensioners.

d) None of the above losses would occur to the Pre-2016 Pensioners if the Option 1 recommended by the 7th CPC is implemented and if the new formula is allowed as a 3rd Option in addition to Option 1 & 2 Recommended by the 7th CPC in the interest of natural justice to all Pre- 2016 Pensioners.
2. It is, therefore, requested that the Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners be fixed at the highest of the 3 Options - including first two Options as recommended by 7th CPC and 3rd Option as accepted by the Government and Notified vide DOP&PW OM Dated 12-5-2017.

Hoping for a favourable consideration & thanking you in anticipation. With kind regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Harchandan Singh)
Source : RSCWS

Thursday, 24 August 2017

National Anomaly Committee related letter of the JCM (Staff Side)

Babloo - 11:27:00

National Anomaly Committee related letter of the JCM (Staff Side)

Shiva Gopal Mishra
Ph: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001
E-Mail :
No.NC-JCM-2017/7th CPC Anomaly
Dated: August 23, 2017
Dear Comrades
Kindly refer to your letter requesting us to take up certain issues in the National Anomaly Committee. We, having considered the definition of the anomaly and the ambit of the NAC, taken up the issues which are placed on our website. Some of the issues brought to our notice are actually “demands” in the charter and, we have reserved the same for taking up in the Standing Committee as Agenda.

These, apart from department specific items/issues, i.e. pertaining to one single department, are to be taken up in the Departmental Anomaly committee.

If you have any objection over our decision in the matter, kindly write to us or call on us immediately. No requisition received after 30th August 2017 may be able to be considered by us.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source: NC JCM Staff Side


Babloo - 10:26:00

Meaning of an Ex-Servicemen - Revised Definition



Those who were released between 01 Jul 66 and 30 Jun 68 (both days inclusive) - Any person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union, has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency
(Authority : Min of Home Affairs Notification No F.14/26/64-Estt(D) dated 11 Oct 1966)

Those who were released between 01 Jul 68 and 30 Jun 71 (both days inclusive) - Any person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six months and released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency

(Authority : Min of Home Affairs Notification No 14/11/68-Estt(D)/Estt -C) dated 13 Feb 69)

Those who were released between 01 Jul 71 and 30 Jun 74 (both days inclusive) Any person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union and has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency
(Authority : Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel Notification No 13/3/71-Ests(C) dated 14 Oct 71)

Those who were released between 01 Jul 74 and 30 Jun 79 (both days inclusive)  ESM means a person who has served in any rank(whether as a combatant or non -combatant) in the Armed forces of the Union, for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation and has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
(Authority : Cabinet Secretariat, Department . of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notification No 13/24/73-Estt(C) dated 26 Oct 74)

Those who were releasedbetween 01 Jul 79 and 30 Jun 87 (both days inclusive) Any person who has served in any rank(whether as combatant or not)in the armed forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation if discharged for reasons other than at their own request or by way or dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and not less than five years service if discharged at own request.

(Authority : Department . of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notification No 39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15 Dec 79)

Those who were released on or after 01 Jul 87 – Any person who has served in any rank (whether as combatant or not) in the armed forces of the Union and was released/retired with any kind of pension from Defence Budget or released on completion of specific terms of engagement with gratuity otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
(Authority : DOP&T OM No 36034/5/85-Estt(SCT) dated 14 Apr 87)

Personnel of Territorial Army  Who are pension holders ;for continuous embodied service, persons with disability attributable to military service and gallantry award winners retired on or after 15 Nov 86.
(Authority : DOP&T OM No 36034/5/85-Estt(SCT) dated 14 Apr 87)

Personnel of Army Postal Service  Personnel of Army Postal Service , who are a part of regular Army and retire from such service (that is directly from APS without reversion to P&T Department) with a pension or who have been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension shall come within the definition of ex-servicemen

(Authority : Min of Defence OM No 9(52)/88/D)(Res) dated 19 Jul 89)
Note : As per Govt. of India, Min of Def/Department of ESW OM No 1(9)/2010/D(Res-I) dated 20/21 Jul 2011, personnel who were on deputation in APS for more than six months prior to 14 Apr 87 would also be considered as ex-servicemen with all consequential benefits.

Recruits  Who are boarded out/released on medical grounds and granted medical/disability pension. However, the operation of the OM has been kept in abeyance for issuance of notification by DOP&T.
(Authority : Min of Def/Department of ESW OM No 12/1/2005/D(Res) dated 01 Feb 2006)

Those who were released on or after 10 Oct 2012

An ex-servicemen means a person-
(i) Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union and
(a) Who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his or her pension; or
(b) Who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
(c) Who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or
(ii) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request, or by way of dismissal, or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and has been given gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, namely, pension holders for continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service; or
(iii) personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstances beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
(iv) Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the 14th April,1987; or
(v) Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension irrespective of the date of boarding out/release.

Authority: DOP&T office Memo No.36034/1/2006-Estt(Res) dated 04 Oct 2012 and this order came into force from the date it is published in the Gazette of India vide G.S.R 757(E) dated 10th Oct 2012.)

Authority - Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare D(Res I) OM dated 07th July 2014 ex-recruits have been granted ESM Status irrespective of the date of boarding out/release.

Note : The eligibility of the person to the status of ex-servicemen will be governed by the definition in vogue at the time of his discharge and will not be affected by the changes in the definition subsequent to the discharge.


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Revised methodology for fixing the pay of Running Staff category in 7th CPC scales

Babloo - 10:38:00

Revised methodology for fixing the pay of Running Staff category in 7th CPC scales.

Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No.43
File No. PC-VII/2016/IC/2
RBE No. 99/2017
New Delhi, dated : 21.08.2017
The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Revised methodology for fixing the pay of Running Staff category in 7th CPC scales.

Reference is invited to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules,2016 notified vide G.S.R. No. 746 (E) dated 28.07.2016, forwarded with Railway Board Endorsement No. PC-VII/2016/RSRP/I dated 28.07.2016 (RBE No. 90/2016) and Railway Board's Letter dated PC-VII/2016/RSRP/2 dated 02.08.2016 (RBE No. 93/2016) detailing the methodology for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure in respect of  existing Running Staff as on 01.01.2016.

2. It was observed that the pay fixed in 7th CPC pay structure as per the methodology laid down in Board's letter dated 02.08.2016 is coming out to be less than 14.29% increase of pay prescribed by 7th CPC, in certain cases of Running Staff.

3. The matter was, therefore, examined in Board's office in consultation with the Ministry,of Finance and it has now been decided that for fixation of pay for Running Staff category, in cases where the actual rise in pay at the time of initial fixation works out to be less than 14.29%, the initial pay in such cases shall be fixed at the next higher cell of the relevant Level in the Pay Matrix. Illustrations in this regard are enclosed as Annexure 'A'. It may be noted that there is no other change in the fixation methodology as circulated vide Railway Board's Letter No. PC-VII/2016/RSRP/2 dated 02.08.2016 (RBE No.93/2016).

Hindi version will follow.
Jayakumar G
Deputy Director(Pay Commission)VII
Railway Board



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Monday, 21 August 2017

7th Pay Commission: Government till not clear about minimum pay

Babloo - 10:07:00
7th Pay Commission: Government till not clear about minimum pay

New Delhi: Finance Ministry top official surprised his colleagues by enquiring whether central government employees' minimum pay improved if they got the much-talked-about minimum pay and hike in basic pay.
The official asked the question in a comment that he wrote on a note sent to him by the central government employees through National Joint Council of Action (NJCA).

In its note, the NJCA requested the ministry to hike the minimum pay in the central government employees' pay structure.

The 7th Pay Commission recommended a minimum basic pay for Central government employees of Rs 18,000 with a maximum pay of Rs 2.50 lakh per month.

However, the NJCA is demanding for hike in minimum pay Rs 18,000 to Rs 26,000, which is now under consideration by the National Anomaly Committee.

"The government used to think that minimum pay under the 7th Pay Commission recommendation did not change central government employees' pay structure. Please discuss," the ministry wrote on the NJCA note and forwarded to the National Anomaly Committee.

The note of NJCA, informed the ministry that they their status in the new pay scale was lower than what it was in the previous scale. The note also said that the 7th Pay Commission made the pay gap of lower paid employees and top bureaucrats higher about to 1:14 ratio from 1:12 in the previous pay structure.

In last year, when the new pay scale was given nod by the cabinet, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had assured unions leaders of central government employees in the Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh's house that the pay gap should be minimized.

Finance Ministry's comment on the note came as a shock to many central government employees, particularly because it comes after above one year of the new pay structure had been implemented.
"We are shocked to know that our ministry does not show interest in the hike in minimum pay," a finance ministry official said seeking anonymity.

"If FM also does not show interest in it, then I wonder how, in the first place, he supported to hike in minimum pay," he said.

The notification for the new pay scale was issued on July 25, 2016 and it was implemented for 5.2 million central government employees with retrospective effect from January 1, 2016.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

7th CPC: Retired central government employees to get more constant attendant allowance

Babloo - 05:28:00

7th Pay Commission: Retired central government employees to get more constant attendant allowance
In the 7th Pay Commission, constant attendant allowance for retired government employees has been increased to Rs6,750 per month from the existing Rs 4,500


The constant attendant allowance given to a retired government employee has increased to Rs6,750 per month from the existing Rs4,500, states an official order issued recently. The move to increase the allowance comes after the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission.

The allowance is sanctioned if, in the opinion of a competent medical authority, a 100% disabled retired employee needs the services of a constant attendant for at least three months.

Accordingly, the allowance has been hiked from Rs4,500 to Rs6,750 per month, said the order issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.

The order will be applicable from 1 July 2017, it said. The constant attendant allowance is paid in addition to the disability pension.

7th CPC - Grant of Non- Practising Allowance (NPA) at revised rates to IRMS Officers

Babloo - 02:27:00

Recommendations of 7th CPC - Grant of Non- Practising Allowance (NPA) at revised rates to IRMS Officers.

New Delhi, dated 04/08/2017
The General Managers
All Indian Railways & PUs
(As per mailing list)

Subject: Recommendations of 7th CPC - Grant of Non- Practising Allowance (NPA) at revised rates to IRMS Officers.

Please refer to Board's letter No.PC-V/2008/A/O/I(NPA), dt 22.09.2008 (RBE No.122/2008) regarding the existing rates of Non-Practising Allowance (NPA) admissible to IRMS Officers and as provided for in para 9 of the schedule for RS(RP) Rules,2016, dt. 02.08.2016 (RBE No.93/2016), the question of revision of rates of allowances (except Dearness Allowance) based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission were to be notified subsequently and separately.

Until then, all allowances were required to be paid at the existing rates in the existing pay structure (the pay structure based on 6th Pay Commission) as is if the pay has not been revised w.e.f. 1st January,2016. Accordingly, NPA was,also required to be paid at the existing rates specified in the aforesaid Board's letter dt.22.09.2008 (RBE No.122/2008).

2. The decisions of the Government, on the revised rates of various allowances based on the recommendations of the 7th central Pay commission. and in the light of the recommendations of the Committee under the Chairmanship of the Finance Secretary, constituted for this purpose, have since been notified.

3. Accordingly, the President is pleased to decide that in modification of the existing rates of NPA as contained in the aforesaid Board's letter dt.22.09.2008, the NPA shall now be paid at the rate of 20% of the basic pay in the revises pay structure in vogue based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay commission, as contained in the RS (RP) Rules 2016 subject to the condition that the sum of basic pay and NPA does not exceed Rs.2,37,500 (Rupees two lakh thirty seven thousand and five hundred only). The following conditions shall regulate the grant of NPA under these orders:

(i) The term "basic pay" in the revised pay structure shall mean "basic. pay" as defined in Rule 3(x) RS (RP)Rules,2016, i.e., "basic pay" in revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed level in the Pay Matrix.
(ii) The NPA shall continue to be treated as pay for the purpose computation of Dearness Allowance and other allowances, except those allowances in respect of which the applicable orders provide othenruise, including calculation of retirement benefits. Dearness Allowance under these orders shall mean dearness allowance as sanctioned by the Central Government from time to time in the 7th Pay Commission Related pay structure.
(iii) NPA shall continue to be restricted to those medical pests for which medical qualifications recognised under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 or under the Dentist Act, rc+A have been prescribed as an essential qualification. The Following conditions shall also be fulfilled as hitherto:
(a) The Post is a clinical one.
(b) The Post is a whole time Post
(c) There is sample scope for private practice, and
(d) lt is necessary to prohibit private practice in public interest.
4. The revised rate of NPA in terms of these orders shall take effect from 1st July, 2017.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance oi etomte of Ministry of Railways.
6. Hindi version of these orders will follow

{ Authority : MoF's OM No. 12-2/2016-EIII.A, dt.7th July,2017}
Dy.Director, Pay Commission-V
Railway Board
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Friday, 18 August 2017

ECHS: Enhancement of contractual remuneration of Doctors/Officers engaged on contract basis

Babloo - 09:33:00

ECHS: Enhancement of contractual remuneration of Doctors/Officers engaged on contract basis

Govt of India
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi, the 16th August, 2017
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
I am directed to convey the sanction of the Competent authority to the following amendments in Para 2 of GoI letter No. 22d(50)/2007/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 27th Nov 2015 as amended vide Ministry of Defence letter No. 22D(50)/2007/US(WE)/d(Res) dated 06.04.2016 regarding contractual remuneration of employees engaged on contract basis in ECHS.

2. Sl. No. 1 to 4 of para 2 to read as follows:-
3. The revised order will be effective from the date of issue of this letter.
4. The issue with the concurrence Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.O. No. 33 (05)/2009/Fin/Pen. Dated 09.08.2017.
Yours Faithfully,
(A.K. Karn)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission - implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities

Babloo - 10:18:00

Recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission - implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, 16th August, 2017.

Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission - implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the Seventh Central Pay Commission for providing extra benefits to women employees with disabilities especially when they have young children and children with disability, the President is pleased to issue the following instructions:-
(i) Women with disabilities shall be paid Rs.3000/-per month as Special Allowance for Child care. The allowance shall be payable from the time of the child's birth till the child is two years old.
(ii) It shall be payable for a maximum of two eldest surviving children.
(iii) Disability means a person having a minimum Disability of 40% as elaborated in Ministry of Welfare's Notification No. 16- 18/97-NI.I dated 1.6.2001 and amended from time to time.
(iv) The above limit would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
2. These orders shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

3. Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and auditor
General of India.

Hindi version will follow.
(Navneet Misra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
1. Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.
2. NIC with a request to upload the OM on the website of DoPT.

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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Amendment in Recruitment Rules - DoPT Orders

Babloo - 23:05:00

Amendment in Recruitment Rules - DoPT Orders

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director (English Shorthand & Typewriting) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Training Division
Old JNU Campus, Block IV, 3th Floor,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-ll 0067
Dated: 16th August, 2017

Subject: Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director (English Shorthand & Typewriting) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management -regarding

The undersigned is directed to upload the draft recruitment rules for the post of (English Shorthand & Typewriting) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management, New Delhi and to request for comments, if any, from all the stakeholders on the draft RRs. The comments may kindly be sent to the undersigned on e-mail id: ‘’ latest by 14.09.2017.
Encl.: As above.
(Syed Imran Ahmed)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

7th Pay Commission - Government Firmly Rejects Demand to Reduce Pay Gap

Babloo - 20:04:00

7th Pay Commission - Government Firmly Rejects Demand to Reduce Pay Gap

The pay gap under the 7th Pay Commission was a major issue for Central Government employees. The cabinet decided go ahead with the recommendations of the pay panel which suggested 14.27 per cent hike in basic pay which was effective from January 1 2016.

The cabinet had cleared the recommendations of the pay panel in June which effected 4.8 million central government employees and 5.2 million pensioners.

Recommendations by-passed

While clearing the pay panel’s recommendations the basic hike in pay effective January 1 2016 was at 14.27 per cent. The recommendations made by the Empowered Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha for an average 30 per cent hike in basic pay was bypassed by the Union Cabinet.

Pay matrix

As per the notification there were 18 pay matrices that were approved. The notification said, the highest pay matrix (Level-18) for the Cabinet secretary to the Union government is Rs 2,50,000 (fixed), which was Rs 90,000 (fixed) in the immediate past under 6th pay commission recommendation. The rate of increase is 178%. The pay matrix in the lowest grade (Level-1) is Rs 18,000 which was Rs 7,000 under 6th pay commission recommendation. The rate of increase is 157%.

The ratio of pay between the highest declared pay matrix (Level-18) and the lowest grade (Level -1) in the 7th Pay Commission recommendations is 1:13.9, which was 1:12 as per the previous pay commission:

No Pay Gap made up

All pay commissions in the past had made up the pay gap between the lower paid employees and the top officials from second Pay Commission 1:41 ratio to Sixth pay commission 1:12. In the first pay commission, the pay of the top bureaucrats was 41 times higher than the employee earning the lowest. The future pay commissions however reduced the ratio from 1:41 in 1947 to about 1:12 in 2006.

Reducing Pay Gap Ruled Out

Reliable sources confirm, the government has put aside the demand by central government employees to reduce the pay gap. The government has categorically made it clear that no decision will be taken to reduce the pay gap under the 7th Pay Commission, confirm sources. Government employees have been demanding for a long time to pay ratio should be minimised. They have also demanded that Rs 25,000 should be the minimum pay in the new pay scale and the fitment factor will be higher than the 2.57 times approved by the government based on the pay commission recommendations.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Prime Minster Independence Day Speech 2017 Highlights

Babloo - 19:58:00

Prime Minster Independence Day Speech 2017- Highlights

The Prime Minster, Shri Narendra Modi today addressed the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the 71th Independence Day. Following are the highlights from his speech:

1. Greetings to my fellow Indians on Independence Day.

2. For the freedom and glory of the country, those who have contributed, those who suffered and sacrificed their lives, I salute all those noble souls, mothers and sisters on behalf of 125 crore people of the country from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

3. We remember the great women and men who worked hard for India's freedom.

4. People of India stand shoulder to shoulder with those affected in the wake of natural disasters in parts of the country & the death of children in the hospital.

5. This is a special year- 75th anniversary of Quit India, 100th anniversary of Champaran Satyagraha, 125th anniversary of Ganesh Utsav.

6. The Quit India Movement was “Bharat Chhodo,” but the call today is “Bharat Jodo.”

7. We have to take the country ahead with the determination of creating a 'New India'.

8. From 1942 to 1947, the country had demonstrated collective strength, in the coming 5 years, we have to take the country forward with the same collective strength, commitment and hard work.

9. In our nation, there is no one big or small...everybody is equal. Together we can bring a positive change in the nation.

10. We have to move forward for making a New India with the collective strength of 125 crore people without any discrimination of small and big people.

11. 1st January 2018 will not be an ordinary day- those born in this century will start turning 18. They are Bhagya Vidhatas of our nation.

12. We have to leave this 'Chalta Hai' attitude. We have to think of 'Badal Sakta Hai'- this attitude will help us as a nation.

13. The country has changed, is changing and can change. We have to move forward with this belief and commitment.

14. Security of the country is our priority. Internal security is our priority. Whether it is our oceans or borders, cyber world or space for all kind of security India is capable to defeat all such inimical forces.

15. Our uniformed forces have achieved the pinnacle of sacrifice in fighting left-wing extremism, terrorism, infiltration and elements disturbing peace. The world had to recognise the strength of India and it clout in the surgical strike.

16. One rank, One Pension policy has boosted the morale of our security forces.

17. Those who have looted the nation and looted the poor are not able to sleep peacefully today.

18. No law was passed for those having Benami property for years. However after the recent passage of the Benami Act, within a short span of time, government has confiscated Benami property worth Rs. 800 crores when these things happen, common men feel that this country is for the honest people.

19. Today, we are celebrating the "festival of honesty".

20. GST has shown the spirit of cooperative federalism. The nation has come together to support GST & the role of technology has also helped.

21. Today, the poor of the country is joining the main stream and the country is moving torwards the path of progress.

22. Good governance is about speed and simplification of processes.

23. India's stature in the world is rising. The world is with us in fighting the menace of terror. I thank all nations helping us doing so.

24. We have to work for the progress of Jammu and Kashmir.

25. There is no question of being soft of terrorism or terrorists.

26. Neither by bullet: nor by abuses but by embracing we can solve the problem of Kashmir.

27. Our fight against black money and corruption will continue. We are trying to bring transparency through technology.

28. There is no question of being soft on terrorism or terrorists.

29. People would be the driving force behind the establishment, rather than the other way around - Tantra se Lok nahin, Lok se tantra chalega.

30. New India will be the biggest strength of democracy.

31. Nature of job is changing with changing demand and changing technology.

32. We are nurturing our youngsters to be job creators and not job seekers.

33. I want to mention those women who have to suffer due to 'Triple Talaq'- I admire their courage. We are with them in their struggles.

34. India is about Shanti, Ekta and Sadbhavana. Casteism and communalism will not help us.

35. Violence in the name of 'Astha' is not something to be happy about, it will not be accepted in India.

36. The country is being run by peace, unity and harmony. It is our civilisation and culture to take everybody along.

37. We are taking the nation on a new track (of development) and are moving ahead with speed.

38. We are devoting significant attention to eastern India- Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Northeast. These parts have to grow further.

39. Our farmers have worked hard to ensure a Record foodgrain production.

40. Over 5.75 crore farmers have been covererd under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojaana.

41. Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, 30 projects have been completed while work is on for 50 more projects.

42. Under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samapada Yojana we are providing handholding to the farmers from availing seeds to accessing the markets for their produce.

43. More than 14000 un-electrified villages have been electrified.

44. 29 crore JanDhan accounts opened.

45. More than 8 crore youth have received loans without any guarantee.

46. We are fighting corruption - for the bright future of India and the wellbeing of our people.

47. Our fight against black money and corruption will continue and move forward and the loot in the country will not be allowed.

48. Our strive for a Corruption Free India has yielded results.

49. Black money worth Rs. 1.25 lakh crore has been unearthed.

50. Over 1.75 lakh fake companies have been shut down.

51. Post GST savings and efficiency in transportation sector has increased. Efficiency has gone up by 30 percent.

52. More money has come to the banks due to demonetization which will give impetus to the economy.

53. Our country has the world’s largest youth population. Today is the era of IT and let’s move ahead on the path of digital transaction.

54. Let us lead from front, promote digital economy and adopt the Bhim App.

55. We have moved from Co-operative Federalism to Competitive Co-operative federalism.

56. It had been said in the old scriptures that if a work is not completed on time, one does not get the desired results.

57. For the Team India it is the right time to commit for a New India.

58. We shall build together an India, where the poor will have concrete houses with water and electricity connection.

59. We will build such an India, where the farmers will have a peaceful sleep without any worry. He will earn double than what he is earning today.

60. Our resolve is to build an India, which provides all the opportunities to the youth and women to fulfill their dreams.

61. Our resolve is to build such an India, free from terrorism, communalism and casteism.

62. We will build together an India, where there will be no place for nepotism and corruption.

63. We will build together such an India, which will be clean, healthy and fulfill the dream of self-rule (Swaraj).

64. We aspire to build a Divya and Bhavya Bharat.


Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Child Care Leave - recommendations of the 7th CPC

Babloo - 09:47:00
Child Care Leave - recommendations of the 7th CPC
Dated: August 4, 2017
The Secretary(DoP&T),
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Child Care Leave - recommendations of the 7th CPC

It may please be recalled that, the 6th CPC, accepting the consistent demand of the Staff Side for grant of Child Care Leave to Women Central Government Employees, had recommended maximum two years CCL for women government employees for taking care of maximum two children, as a welfare measure the women government employee for taking care of maximum two children as a welfare measure. Women government employees were availing this specific leave for taking care of their children with 100% salary for a maximum period of two years, owing to certain difficulties having being experienced by the employer, certain conditions were subsequently laid down to avail CCL by women government employees.

One of the subsequently introduced conditions was that, they can avail their leave in maximum 3 spell during in a calendar year. While 7th CPC has duly acknowledged the requirement of CCL for women government employees as well as single male employees and recommended that the practice should continue as hitherto, additionally entitling single male employee to avail the same, but unfortunately, imposed another new condition that, although for the first 365 CCL 100% salary would be payable. However, for subsequent 365 days only 80% of their salary to be paid.

It may be appreciated that, provision of CCL to women government employees with the sole motto of taking care of their children, particularly at the time the children are in grave need of the same, a welfare measure at the same was being granted with 100% salary before the report of the 7th CPC came in the effect.

Therefore, imposition of the condition of 80% salary payable in the 2nd spell of 365 days is grossly unjustified and uncalled for and would result in withdrawal of a well acknowledged welfare measure.

It is, therefore, requested that the issue may be looked into in the light of the foregoing the earlier practice of payment of 100% salary of the entire 2 years may please be restored as a noble employer.
Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
Source : NCJCM

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Department of Post Reply for One Day Strike notice and Charter of Demands - Vacant Post, GDS Committee Report, Revised wages to casual, Cadre Restructuring

Babloo - 20:22:00

Department of Post Reply for One Day Strike notice and Charter of Demands - Vacant Post, GDS Committee Report, Revised wages to casual, Cadre Restructuring

No. 08-12/2017-SR
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 01st August, 2017
The Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees,
1st Floor, North Avenue P.O. Building,
New Delhi - 110001.

Subject : Trade Union action including one day strike on 23.08.2017 call given by National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) in support of their demands.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. PF-12-C/2017 dated Nil on the above mentioned subject. The charter of demands has been examined by the concerned Divisions and replies to each item of demands showing the present status are enclosed herewith.

2.As many of your demands have been settled and few are under active consideration of the Department, it is requested that the proposed agitation including the one day strike called by you on 23.08.2017 may be called off.

Yours faithfully,
(P. S. Verma)
Director (SR & Legal)

Charter of demands submitted by NFPE vide letter dated 05.06.2017:

Demand / Reply

1. Filling up of all vacant posts in all cadres of Department of Posts i.e. PA, SA, Postmen, Mailguard, Mailmen, MTS, PACO, PASBCO, Postal Accounts and GDS.


GDS: Process of online engagement of GDS has already been started to fill up vacant post of GDS in 17 Circles. Due to technical snags in the online engagement software, process in remaining Circles will be started only after process in 17 Circles will finalize.

PA/SA: Result of PA/SA for the year 2015 is kept in abeyance as the matter is sub judice. Vacancies of PA/SA for the year 2016 have already been intimated to SSC.

LGO exam for promotion to the cadre of PA/SA for deputation to APS has been conducted on 04.06.2017.

LGOs exam for promotion to Assistants in MMS, Foreign Post, RLO, Stores Depot and CO/RO has been held on 16.07.2017.

In r/o other exams, viz. IP Exam 2016 -17, PM Grade I and PS Group B 2017-18, LGOs to PAs/SAs 2016 -17 and 2017-18, engagement of new approved Agency is in the pipeline. MoU between Department and Agency is to be signed.

For the Postman/Mail Guard and MTS cadre exams, instructions have been issued to all the Circles to fill up the vacancies by giving top priority.

Calendar of departmental Examinations scheduled to be held in the year 2017-18 has already been issued to all the Circles by giving tentative schedule for filling up the vacancies of decentralized examination i.e. PO & RMS Accountant Examination, LDCs to Junior Accountants in PAOs (Exam has been conducted by respective Circles), LGOs examination for promotion to Assistants of other wings i.e. MMS, Foreign Post, RLO, Stores Depot and CO/RO and other exams

2. Implementation of positive recommendations of GDS Committee Report. Grant of civil servant status to GDS.


The recommendations of the Kamlesh Chandra Committee have been considered by the Department of Posts and mandatory approvals are being obtained in this regard.

As far as grant of civil servant status to GDS is concerned, it is stated that according to Rule 3-A (v) of GDS Conduct Rules 2011, a Sevak shall be outside the Civil Service of the Union. Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Superintendent of Post Offices vs PK Rajamma (1977) (3) SCC held that the Extra Departmental Agents {now called Gramin Dak Sevaks} are holders of the civil post outside the regular civil services. Moreover, they are part time employees being engaged for maximum of 5 hrs a day. In the light of above legal position demand of the Federation cannot be acceded to

3. Membership verification of GDS and declaration of result of regular employees’ membership verification.


GDS Verification:

The instructions have already been issued to all Circles to conduct the re- verification of membership of GDS employees vide this office letter No. 13-01/2016-SR dated 20.06.2017.

Declaration of result of regular employees’ membership verification:
The concerned file is being processed and the result is likely to be declared shortly

4. Stop all types of harassment and victimization in the name of new schemes and technology induction and under contributory negligence factor and Trade Union victimization.


FS Division has informed that no new schemes are launched by that Division on behalf of DoP. The DoP is operating Small Savings Schemes on behalf of MoF.

PLI Directorate has informed that they have completed roll out of Core Insurance Solution (CIS) as on 25.01.2016 to 808 HOs and 24598 Sub Post Offices as per the information provided by Circles. Roll out of RICT has not been initiated so far. They have also informed that at no point of time any case of harassment & victimization of staff has come to their notice

5. Payment of revised wages and arrears to the casual, part-time, contingent employees and daily rated mazdoors as per 6th & 7th CPC .


The order in respect of minimum pay for calculation of pay of casual labourers (without temporary status) has already been issued vide this office letter no. 7-10/2016-PCC dated 31.03.2017

6. Stop Privatization, Contractorization and outsourcing.


There is no proposal of corporatization/privatization at this juncture. The Department is making efforts to give better and competitive services to the customers specifically in the areas of insurance, banking and parcels.

7. Implement cadre restructuring for left out categories i.e. RMS, MMS, PACO, PASBCO, Postmaster Cadre Postal Accounts etc. and accept the modifications suggested by Federation before implementation of cadre restructuring in Postal Group ‘C’.


The cadre restructuring of left out cadres, i.e. RMS, PACO and PASBCO is currently under examination in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. The matter of cadre restructuring of Postmaster Cadre will be examined thereafter.

A Committee has been constituted, vide this office letter no. 25-04/2012-PE-I dated 09.06.2017, under the Chairmanship of Shri Charles Lobo, CPMG Karnataka Circle, to examine the issues arising out of implementation of Cadre Restructuring of Group C employees.

Cadre review of MMS is under active consultation with Ministry of Finance, DoE.


Friday, 4 August 2017

7th CPC Constant Attendant Allowance under CCS

Babloo - 09:06:00

7th CPC Constant Attendant Allowance under CCS

 No.1/4/2017-P&PW (F)
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare
 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003
Dated the 2nd August, 2017.

Subject:Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the VIIth Pay Commission on CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 - Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance.

The undersigned is directed to say that at present Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA) is Granted to pensioners who retired on disability pension under the CCS(Extraordinary Pension) Rules 1939, with 100% disability (where the individual is completely dependent on somebody else for day- to-day function). The Constant Attendant Allowance is paid in addition to the disability pension. The present rate of Constant Attendant Allowance admissible is Rs.4500/- per month.

2.Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission on Allowances, Government has accepted the recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission to increase the Constant Attendant Allowance by a factor 1.5, ie. to Rs.6750/- per month. Accordingly, sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for enhancement of the amount of Constant Attendant Allowance from the existing Rs.4500/- to Rs.6750/- per month.

3. These orders will take effect from 01.07.2017.

4. In so far as persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

5. These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide, their OM No.11-1/2016-IC dated 11.07.2017.

6. Hindi version will follow.
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Tel: 24635979
All Ministry/Department of the Government of India as per standard distribution list.


Source : Pensioners Portal

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Recommendations of the 7th CPC - bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

Babloo - 14:30:00

7th CPC Pay Fixation: Bunching of stages in revised structure - Fin Min issues OM with clarification in details for implementation.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Implementation Cell, 7th CPC
North Block, New Delhi,
3rd August, 2017


Subject: Recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) - bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

With reference to the subject mentioned above and in continuation of this Department's OM of even number dated 07.09.2016 and 13.06.2017, detailed instructions are hereby being issued on the application of the benefit on account of bunching of stages while fixing the pay in the revised pay structure as a response to a large number of references received from Ministries/Departments.

2. The provisions giving effect to the recommendations of the 7th CPC on extending the benefit on account of bunching were notified vide DoE OM. dated 07.09.2016. Benefits on account of bunching have been extended during the initial fixation of pay in the revised pay structure while implementing the recommendations of earlier CPCs also. Bunching occurs in the fixation of pay when the pay at two or more consecutive stages in a Pay Scale/ Grade Pay in the pre revised scale get fixed at the same stage in the corresponding Pay Scale/ Level in the revised pay structure.

3. The modalities of determining the extent of bunching and the nature of benefits to be extended on account thereof, based on the recommendations of the CPCs, have differed across different Pay Commission periods. While the 5th CPC recommended that benefits be extended when more than four stages get bunched, the 6th CPC recommended that benefits be extended when two or more stages get bunched. The fitment tables drawn by the 6th CPC and notified by the Government subsequently provided for the benefit of bunching only when more than two stages were bunched. As regards the benefits to be extended on account of bunching, the 5th CPC recommended benefit of one increment for every four consecutive stages bunched, the 6th CPC recommended benefit of one increment for every two consecutive pay stages bunched. For HAG scales, however, benefit of one increment was given at each of the pay stages in the 6th CPC pay structure.

4. In terms of the DoE OM. dated 07.09.2016 based on the 7th CPC recommendations, bunching occurs when two or more stages get bunched and benefit of one increment is to be given for every two stages bunched. These provisions are to be applied while revising the pay from the 6th CPC regime to the 7th CPC regime. In the 6th CPC pay structure, about 35 pay scales existing in the 5th CPC pay structure were replaced by a system of running pay bands recommended by the 6th CPC. The 6th CPC pay structure consisted of 19 grades spread across four distinct pay bands and 4 distinct scales including two fixed scales. The 6th pay structure being replaced by the 7th CPC recommended Pay Matrix, thus, consists of 4 Pay Bands with 15 levels of Grade Pay, along with 4 standalone scales, viz., HAG scale, HAG+ scale, Apex scale (fixed) and the scale of Cabinet Secretary (fixed).

5. While in the 5th CPC structure, the stages in every pay scale were well defined, the stages were not well defined in the 6th CPC structure. The pay was to be fixed in the running Pay Band by rounding off to the next higher multiple of 10. Every multiple of 10 was a pay stage in the 6th CPC regime. However, all consecutive 10 rupee stages for any Grade Pay cannot be taken as consecutive stages for the purpose of bunching in reference to the 7th CPC recommendations as is also clear from the illustration contained in para 5.1.37 of the 7th CPC Report. Based on the illustration contained in para 5.1.37 of the 7th CPC Report, Department of Expenditure’s OM. dated 07.09.2016 provided that a difference of at least 3%, the rate of annual increment, in the 6th CPC pay structure was essential for counting of two stages. The 6th CPC had replaced the system of equidistant pay stages in a pay scale based on equal annual increments in the 5th CPC regime by a system of annual increment of 3% on the sum of pay in the running pay band and the Grade Pay which was to be added to the running pay as increment. Therefore, the pay stages in any given Grade Pay were specific to an employee and depended upon the initial fixation of pay in that Grade Pay. As a result, the amount of increment earned in the same Grade Pay would differ in the same Pay Scale/ Grade Pay not only between different employees but also across years for the same employee. To illustrate, an employee whose pay was fixed at Rs 46,100 in GP of 8700 in PB-4 would have the first annual increment of Rs 1390 which would be added to his running pay in the Pay Band, another employee whose pay initially was fixed at Rs 46,400 in the same Grade Pay would have the first annual increment of Rs 1400. In such a scenario where the pay stages are specific to the employee, it is not possible to arrive at universal pay stages for the purpose of determining the extent of bunching. Therefore, for the purpose of determining the extent of bunching in a system of running pay bands, the consecutive pay stages that need to be considered are the pay stages which are specific to the employee.

6. In the 5th CPC structure, the maximum and the minimum of every pay scale were well defined. In the 6th CPC structure, Entry Pay was separately notified for most Grade Pay levels to govern the entry pay of direct recruits in that level. The pay of those moving from a lower grade to a higher one on promotion was regulated in terms of provisions contained in Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. As such, the Entry Pay notified for a given Pay Scale/ Grade Pay is the effective minimum of that Grade Pay for direct recruits. For an employee getting promoted, the sum of the minimum of the relevant Pay Band and the Grade Pay is the effective minimum pay. The 7th CPC, in its Report, has commented that this led to many situations where direct recruits drew higher pay as compared to personnel who reached that stage through promotion. Demands were received by the 7th CPC from many staff associations and employees for removal of this disparity which the 7th CPC refers to as differential entry pay.

7. In the revised dispensation for pay fixation in the New Pay Structure as recommended by the 7th CPC, direct recruits shall start at the minimum pay corresponding to the level to which recruitment is made, which will be the first cell of each level. For those promoted from the previous level, the fixation of pay in the new level will depend on the pay they were already drawing in the previous level. The pay, however, cannot be less than the first stage of the relevant level. While enumerating the benefits of migrating to the new system at para 5.1.47 of the 7th CPC Report, it has been stated that ‘the issue of differential entry pay has been resolved’. At para 5.1.36 of the 7th CPC Report it has also been mentioned that rationalization has been done with utmost care to ensure minimum bunching at most levels. Rationalization has been done by the 7th CPC through the Index of Rationalisation (IoR) which has been multiplied with the Entry Pay in the 6th CPC regime to arrive at the first cell of each level. With the Entry Pay along with IOR being used as the determiner of the first cell, pay stages below the Entry Pay have been consciously brought up to the level of Entry Pay and its corresponding pay stage in the revised pay structure. As a result, all pay stages below the Entry Pay in any Level will, on re-fixation, converge to the first pay stage in that level. As this convergence takes place on account of a conscious decision of the 7th CPC intrinsic to the architecture of the Pay Matrix by indicating the Entry Pay as the starting point of each Level, benefit on account of bunching cannot be extended with reference to pay stages lower than the Entry Pay indicated by the 7th CPC for that level in the Pay Matrix. Extending the benefit of bunching with reference to pay stages below the entry pay will perpetuate the difference in pay on account of differential Entry Pay which was addressed by the 7th CPC.

8. Based on the above, it is clarified that the following shall be kept in view while determining the extent of bunching as also the benefits to be extended on account of bunching at the time of initial fixation of pay in the 7th CPC pay structure:
(i) Benefit on account of bunching is to be extended when two or more stages get bunched.

(ii) Benefit of one increment is to be extended on account of bunching of every two consecutive stages.

(iii) As stipulated in MoF OM dated 07.09.2016, a difference of 3% to be reckoned for determination of consecutive pay stages, specific to each employee.

(iv) All pay stages lower than the Entry Pay in the 6th CPC pay structure as indicated in the Pay Matrix contained in the 7th CPC Report are not to be taken into account for determining the extent of bunching.
9. All Ministries/ Departments are advised to review all cases wherein benefit on account of bunching has been extended in terms of this Department's OM dated 07.09.2016 and to re-fix the pay in terms of the instructions contained herein.
(V.K Singh)



Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission relating to grant of Transport Allowance to Central Government employees

Babloo - 11:14:00

7th CPC Transport Allowance: Modification order for Employees in Pay Level 1 & 2
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, 2nd August, 2017.


Subject:- Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission relating to grant of Transport Allowance to Central Government employees.

In partial modification of this Department's OM. of even number dated 07.07.2017 regarding implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to grant of Transport Allowance to Central Government employees, the President is pleased to decide that Central Government employees who are drawing pay of Rs.24200/- & above in Pay Level 1 & 2 of the Pay Matrix, shall be eligible for grant of Transport Allowance @ Rs.3600/- plus D.A. thereon at the cities mentioned in the Annexure to the above cited OM. and @ Rs.1800/- plus D.A. thereon at all Other Places.

2. All other contents of the above cited OM. dated 07.07.2017 shall remain unchanged.

3. These orders shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

4. These orders will apply to all civilian employees of the Central Government. The orders will also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Service Estimates. In respect of the Armed Forces Personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively.

5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

Hindi version is attached.

(Annie George Mathew)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India


Implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission - Dress Allowance

Babloo - 10:14:00

7th CPC Dress Allowance - DoE Ordres on 2.8.2017

Implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission - Dress Allowance

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 2nd August 2017

Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission - Dress Allowance.

Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission, in supersession of the existing orders relating to Uniform related Allowances viz. Clothing Allowance, Initial Equipment Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance, Robe Allowance, Robe Maintenance Allowance, Shoe Allowance, Uniform Allowance and Washing Allowance which have been subsumed in a single Dress Allowance, the President is pleased to decide the rates of Dress Allowance in r/o the following categories of Central Government employees as under :-


2. Allowances related to maintenance, washing of Uniform are subsumed in. Dress Allowance and will not be payable separately.

3. Further categories of staff who were earlier being provided Uniforms, will henceforth not be provided with Uniforms.

4 The amount of Dress Allowance shall be credited to the salary of employees directly once a year in the month of July.

5. This allowance covers only the basic uniform of the employees. Any special clothing like that provided at Siachen Glacier or inside submarine or fluorescent clothing provided to Trackmen or Indian Railways or to lB personnel posted at high altitudes will continue to be provided by the concerned Ministry as per existing norms.

6. Outfit Allowance, paid to Indian Foreign Service officers and employees will continue to be provided as before, is enhanced by 50%.

7. The rates of Dress Allowance will go up by 25% each time Dearness Allowance rises by 50%.

8. These orders shall take effect from 01st July, 2017.

9. Separate orders will be issued by Ministry Of Defence, Ministry Of Home Affairs, Ministry Of Railways, Ministry Of Health & Family welfare, Ministry of corporate Affairs, Ministry Of External Affairs, Department of Revenue, Department Of Personnel & Training and Cabinet Secretariat in respect of employees of these Ministries/Department.

10. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the comptroller & Auditor General Of India.
Hindi Version is attached.
(Annie George Mathew)
Joint secretary to the Government Of India.
Click to view the order


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

7th CPC: Fixation of Pension

Babloo - 09:20:00

7th CPC: Fixation of Pension

In implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission (7th CPC), orders have been issued vide Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare O.M. No. 38/37/16-P&PW(A) (i) dated 04.08.2016 for revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/ commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension/ex-gratia lump-sum compensation, etc. in respect of the employees retiring on or after 01.01.2016.v For revision of pension of pre-2016 civil pensioners, the 7th CPC recommended the following two formulations:
(i) Notional Pay of employees who retired prior to 01.01.2016 may be fixed in the Pay Matrix on the basis of the Pay Band and Grade Pay at which they retired, by adding the number of increments he/ she had earned in that level while in service, to the minimum of the corresponding level in the matrix. Fifty percent of the total amount so arrived at shall be the revised pension.

(ii) The pension, as had been fixed at the time of implementation of the 6th CPC recommendations, may be multiplied by 2.57 to arrive at an alternate value for the revised pension.
7th CPC recommended that the pensioners may be given the option of choosing the formulation which is more beneficial to them. Orders were issued for revision of pension as per Formulation (ii) above vide Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare O.M. No. 38/37/16- P&PW(A) (ii) dated 04.08.2016 and the pension disbursing authorities were advised to make payment of revised pension accordingly without waiting for the revised pension payment authority. A Committee under the chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare was constituted to examine the feasibility of Formulation (i). The Committee observed that Formulation (i) as recommended by the 7th CPC might be difficult to implement in a large number of cases and this method may also cause anomalies.

In implementation of the recommendations of the aforesaid Committee, orders have been issued vide Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare O.M. No. 38/37/16-P&PW (A) dated 12.05.2017. It has been provided that the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in respect of all Central civil pensioners/family pensioners may be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay at which they retired/died by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay Commission based on the Formula for revision of pay. 50% of the notional pay as on 01.01.2016 shall be the revised pension and 30% of this notional pay shall be the revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016. Higher of the two Formulations i.e. the pension/family pension already revised in accordance with this Department's OM dated 04.08.2016 or the revised pension/family pension as worked out by notional pay fixation method, shall be the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

There were around 55.51 lakh pensioners/family pensioners (including defence pensioners/family pensioners) as on 31.03.2016. All Pension Sanctioning Authorities have been advised to accord top priority to the work of revision of pension and issue revised Pension Payment Authority in implementation of the above orders expeditiously.

There is no proposal for creation of any other organisation for pension related issues.
This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State for Prime Minister's Office, Dr Jitendra Singh in a written reply to question by Adv. Narendra Keshav Sawaikar and Shri P. Nagarajan in the Lok Sabha today.

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